Poet & Lyricist

On a journey to make poetry cool, accessible and relevant

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All Roads Lead to Roam

Somewhere sunlit waves caress pebbled azure shores

But in which direction, the horizon only knows

Somewhere, somewhere even pitch-dark nights feel gentle

But for now that place stays cloaked by the moonlight's mantle

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Why I Write

I wrote this poem to provide an answer
To anyone that asks me why I write—
In a world so full of people quoting
I elect to be the one they cite.

Find full poem as part of the collection "16 Bullets and a Bouquet"

Lines Unrhymed

While soul and paper wrestled

The café's records filled the air

With melodies so soft and tender

Even notes stood still to hear

Read full poem here

Invitation of the Birds

Close your windows for the winds that feed the whirl inside—
Don't get sucked into confining thoughts and words.
Go outside, observing Nature, and let it be your guide.
Tap pause and accept the invitation of the birds

Find full poem as part of the collection "16 Bullets and a Bouquet"

Sinking Out Loud

The secrets of the sea lie dead on the shore.

Shells conceal them in a distant humming whisper,

Waves veil their bones by a trailing bubbly foam,

But a man, waist-deep, wants to dive still deeper

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